Our Community
Neighborhood Assets
Walnut Hills High School 3250 Victory Parkway
Established in Walnut Hills, housed in a Colonial Revival style building designed by Garber & Woodward.
One of the premier college prep schools in the country (ranked nationally) with over 2,000 students.
Offers advanced, accelerated curriculum for grades 7-12th.
At present, implementing a $65million renovation.
Evanston Academy1835 Fairfax Ave.
Hoffman School and Parham School merged into one school in 2008.
Construction of the new Evanston Academy was completed in 2011 at 1835 Fairfax Ave.
Hoffman School (3060 Durrell Ave.) at present Christ Temple church that house Impact Academy School and other social agencies.
Active in after school youth development programming.
One of four elementary schools in Evanston.
St. Mark Roman Catholic Church and School3500 Montgomery Road
Most visible landmark in Evanston.
Merged with 3 other churches in summer 2010 in Bond Hill.
In the first half of the twentieth century, St. Mark’s School now Alliance Academy – Cincinnati Charter School.
Xavier University3800 Victory Parkway
Catholic, Jesuit University.
Ranked by Forbes as one of the top Midwest Universities.
New Academic Quad: Williams College of Business, Library Expansion, Connotan Learning Commons, Fenwick Place Dormitory, and Alter Hall renovation.
Xavier Square (Corner of Dana and Montgomery): Mixed-use Development of East Campus.
Academy of World Languages2030 Fairfax Ave.
Formerly Old Sawyer Junior High School site.
At present K-8 Language school that offers courses in five different languages.
Active in afterschool youth programming.
Calvary United Methodist Church3215 Woodburn Ave.
One of the oldest African American churches in the region.
Closed in 2013 and merged with another church in the College Hill area.
Cincinnati Fire Department Engine No. 393600 Montgomery Road
In 1908, the Cincinnati Fire Department opened the new engine house at Montgomery Road and Clarion Avenue.
Company of 39 remained in service until 1984 when the city, for budgetary reasons, closed the Evanston firehouse.
Volunteer Firehouse of the Village of Evanston1832 Dana Avenue
Before Evanston was annexed to Cincinnati, the building now occupied by the Dana Gardens, on 1832 Dana Avenue, was the Volunteer Firehouse of the Village of Evanston.
In return for the taxes they paid, village residents received the limited protection afforded by this company, a small group of volunteers equipped with a wagon, some hose and nozzles, and a few ladders.
Keystone Parke I and American Red CrossCorner of Dana and Realistic Ave, adjacent to I-71
Keystone Parke I built by Neyer Properties, Inc.
Four Story, 69,000 square-foot office building.
Improvements to Evanston Playfield (adjacent).
American Red Cross also built on Keystone Parke site.
The facility is a three story, 50,000 square-foot disaster operation center completed in 2010.
The development includes a vegetative roof, rain gardens, bio-swales, and 125 open-grid paver grass parking spaces.
Woodstone Creek3641 Newton Avenue
Ohio’s first urban winery/distillery.
This former factory-warehouse turned winery is also a meadery and a port house.
The tasting room, once the factory president’s paneled office, is open to the public every Saturday.
Customers can sample current releases for a small charge and purchase wine to go by the bottle or case. Wine is served in a keepsake wine glass to take home.
The United Jewish Cemetery and Calvary Catholic Cemetery3400 Montgomery and 1721 Dana
The United Jewish Cemetery was the first burial ground in the vicinity.
Calvary Catholic Cemetery was established in 1865 by the members of St. Francis de Sales parish in Walnut Hills.
Evanston Business DistrictEastern Side of Montgomery Road between Brewster and Rutland.
In the 1920’s when the strip was fully developed, neighborhood businesses included a local pharmacy, grocery store, bakery, blacksmith, bank, auto repair shop, real estate offices, beauty and barbershops, service stations, a library, fire department, bank, and post-office sub-station.
By the late 1960’s, over half of Evanston’s business strip was disrupted (removed) by the construction of I-71 and the area has yet to increase in the number of shops providing basic necessities such as a grocer, bakery, pharmacy, etc.
New infrastructure and signage part of neighborhood plans.
Development of King’s Studio, Evanston’s 2012 Housing Strategy, and the East-Campus development of Xavier University should help revitalize the local business environment.
The Flavor of Arts Studio3564 Montgomery Road(Opened in 2007 – Closed in 2013)
Studio offered a broad range of classes in the visual arts for students’ ages 10 to 18 years old, and for seniors.
Studio became a reality with sponsorship of the Evanston Community Council, the Cincinnati Police Department, Xavier University, the Haile Foundation, and Carl Lindner.
Professional artists and experienced teachers operated by the program
Lt. Michael Cureton, Executive Director
Anzora Adkins, Coordinator
Owls Nest ParkMadison Road and Fairfax Ave.
Owls’ Nest Park is named for the former estate located on the property.
The sons of Rev. James H. Perkins (1810-1849) donated the land to the City of Cincinnati in 1905.
Upon donation, the Perkins sons stipulated the site be named “Owls’ Nest Park,” the same name Perkins Sr. had given to his estate.
Being revitalized in partnership with East Walnut Hills Community.
Renovation completed summer 2010
Ed & Carol Pfetzing House3119 Woodburn Ave.
Ed Pfetzing has lived in Evanston for over 30 years. His father was born in Evanston over 95 years ago.
In 2004, Ed and Carol’s house was featured in a movie called, Arts Works—a Cincinnati native directed the movie. The Pfetzing’s wine cellar was highlighted in several scenes.
Carol has resided in Evanston since she was a young girl. Her parent’s first house was on Clarion Avenue and her mother moved to Hewitt and stayed there for 15 years (75 years ago).
Evanston Recreation Center and Five Points3204 Woodburn Avenue
The Center specializes in programs for youth, adults & seniors.
Major renovations were completed in September of 2010.
Five Points is the center of the community, highlighted by the landmark Evanston Gateway Clock.
Evanston Employment Resource Connection Center3301 Montgomery Road
Renovation of old Flat Iron Building in 2010.
Connects residents to employment resources throughout the city.
Anzora Adkins Coordinator.
King StudioSyd Nathan – Original FounderOld King Plant: 1540 BrewsterNew Proposed Site: Montgomery Road (between Clarion and Brewster)
Originally located on Brewster Ave, within sites of I-71.
James Brown, Hank Ballard, The Platters, John Lee Hooker, Otis Williams, Bootsy Collins, Philip Paul, and other stars from rhythm and blues, pop, and soul recorded there.
The new King Studios will be located on Montgomery Road & include a Memorial Hall, Recording & Flavor of Arts Studio.
Kings Records was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum November 2008.
The Evanstonian Senior Building1820 Rutland
The Evanston is a senior citizen housing facility, but the site was once a two-room neighborhood public school organized in 1894 as a colony of Hoffman School adjoining Woodburn to E/Walnut Hills.
United Dairy FarmersCorner of Dana and Montgomery
Dana and Montgomery Road.
Former site of White Castle Restaurant.
Currently expanding to offer gas pumps and a sit down parlor.
Crane Avenue
Heart of Evanston’s residential corridor.
Typical of housing built in Evanston between 1890 and 1920.
Many retired, long-term residents.
Jonathan Meadows 1524 Jonathan Ave.
First new large-scale town-homes in 30 years in Evanston.
Development by non-profit leader Jim King.
St. Ambrose(Formerly known as St. Leger)3257 Gilbert Ave.
26 newly constructed apartment units—downsized from the original 81 units.
St. Ambrose is the Patron Saint of Learning.
This development is a project of Model Group.
Community Blend Cooperative Café 1740 Brewster Ave.
Evanston’s first worker-owner cooperative business, paying a living wage to all worker-owners.
Established under the leadership of Ray West and Interfaith Business Builders.
Community Blend, “Brewing Coffee and Social Change at the Corner of Montgomery Rd. and Brewster Ave.”
Serving coffee, teas, soft drinks, handmade sandwiches, salads and soups at an affordable price.